Our Story
Lilly Mountain Farm was really started back in 2010 when a young Lilly went to an FFA field day and discovered Polish Chickens. She begged her mom for some, despite their suburban HOA neighborhood in the rolling hills of Stuarts Draft, Virginia. After months of begging, and lots of help from her older brother, Lilly was granted the gift of five Polish chickens. Five quickly turned into 30-something after her mom’s Sunday trip to the feed store, and she just couldn’t pass up on a chick sale for buy one-get-two-free straight run Bantams; and so the farm began.
Unfortunately, Lilly and her family decided to move cross-country to where they are today in Plumas County, California. Since 2010, Lilly and her mother have owned, bred, hatched, showed, and raised over 35 breeds of poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea-fowl, and pea-fowl).
However, in 2016, Lilly became fascinated with self-sufficiency and easily convinced her mother to invest in meat goats! This fascination resulted in the addition of two Boar Goats to the farm, then two Nigerian Dwarf goats who are still with us to this day!
The rest is History, and now Lilly Mountain Farm has dedicated its small herd to improving dairy lineage of Nigerian Dwarf goats!